Friday, August 1, 2008

Thing 22

I plan to keep up by USING the tools in my everyday classroom experience. I think many of the tools that were introduced will become more or less important as I attempt to use them. I will have to find out whether Stickie Notes are really helpful over the long term. Do I really need all of the RSS feeds that looked interesting in the summer? I'm sure that more committees will be attempting to use various collaborative tools such as wikis and googledocs.
I am looking forward to using some of the tools that have application in a primary classroom. The image generators seem to have some promise of fun and motivation. Some of the Flickr extras from Bighugelabs look really fun.
The best way for me to keep up is to give myself permission to take 10-15 minutes regularly to continue the exploration. The most powerful will be to reflect on the most useful things learned when I sit down NEXT SUMMER and think about the year just passed. Wow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm curious to see if you can find some of these tools for your students to try. Molly and I would be happy to assist!