Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thing 10

I really like the Wiki concept because it seems so flexible and simple in terms of sharing/collaborating on projects. I edited the 23 Things wiki for Thing 10 with this entry:

"I agree...there is more information than I can process right now! Wikis do have numerous both serious and light applications. In my district we used a wiki to set up a shared lunch for a staff development day. It was very practical, just as the Common Craft example of campers assembling a "what to bring" list. Gary 7/30/08"

Regarding the issue of using Wikipedia for students, this Web 2.0 tool does challenge the concept of the authority of references. It may be that wikis must be handled at first on an individual basis. Some wikis have broad participation and a powerful authority where the history of contributions show that it is dependable. Others have a much smaller circle of contributors and the use of inappropriate language and incorrect spelling and grammar undermines its authority.

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